Carlton Cuse-zal és Damon Lindeloffal készített interjút a, és leginkább arról volt szó, hogy mit gondolnak a 6. évadról, és hogy a közönség mit fog majd gondolni, meg lesznek-e elégedve. With the final season of Lost approaching, what are you feeling?
Carlton Cuse: I think we're doing something new in this final season narratively, so we have that combination of fear and giddiness. The fear is, oh, what if people don't like it, what if the audience doesn't like what we're doing? The giddiness is, like, we always feel like we have to be bold with our show and if it works, and if people like it as much as we do, we feel like the final season will be a success. When there's a draw though, we stand by our decisions. We're not playing it safe in the final season.
Damon Lindelof: I think at this point, the nervousness is more based on how we're so deep into this season, that by the time the audience sees it, we're committed to our path. It's been like that ever since we started premiering in January and February. It's like it's too late to turn back now. We're feeling very confident about executing what our plan was, and that's all you can ever do.