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5 Superpowers You Didn't Know Your Body Was Hiding From You

2009.09.09. 14:22 muforlife

Egyik legjobb cikk a mit mostanában olvastam.

Kis részlet: "Why can' we use our super powers all the time?

So the evidence suggests that our actual muscle fibers physically have the ability to let us punch through a wall like the Terminator if they really really want to, but our brain arbitrarily limits us. Why? One problem is the tendons and other tissue that hold you together aren't made to take that kind of abuse. It's the same logic that makes steroid users more prone to injuries--the support structures can't keep up with their juiced muscles.

Also, when you're in that "lift the boulder or die" mode, the body gets that strength by stopping other bodily functions like digestion and immune response. It's the sort of thing that is only awesome for a few minutes at a time."


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